by Marlise Witschi M. Psych. | Oct 29, 2016 | Awakening, Freedom, self-improvement
Since last spring, I have been retreating from the ‘world’ to follow what I felt was my calling: I went to India (again), where I spent 6 weeks with a radical Zen Master. She pointed us, a small group of people, towards what is always here, what is alive, still,...
by Marlise Witschi M. Psych. | Oct 20, 2015 | Beliefs, Freedom, Healing, Identity, self-improvement, Uncategorized
We’re all busy trying to improve ourselves: losing weight, getting more fit, learning new skills, doing more of anything. Have you also experienced that often, when you create a goal for yourself to improve your body or certain skills, you don’t keep it up; that you...