I want to thank you sincerely for your interest and trust in my work. I am grateful for the shifts you are experiencing in your life.
Without you, I could not do what I love most, and what I do best in life: Help you find your unconscious beliefs which are keeping you stuck in unhappiness, and then help you release them from your mind, so that you can experience your true nature of Love and Peace. I have been developing this over the last 23 years and am grateful to see where it has brought me, you, and our life.
As the mind is so crucial in this work of Awakening, I created a short audio for you to more easily become aware of the Peace which is always just beyond thinking. It is your true nature.
Peace is the most powerful state to experience.
• It allows your body to relax, heal and rejuvenate.
• It offers new ideas and guidance for your next step in any area of your life.
• Peace is synonymous with Love, it is your natural state. The more you live from that state of peace, the happier you are, the more loving you are and the more accepting of yourself and others you are.
And that is what I wish you: That you may experience Peace more and more consistently.
With great Love,
PS: If you have trouble experiencing your natural state of peace, this is an indication that there are old emotions you have pushed out of your awareness which are blocking you from connecting with your core, which is Peace. My work is aimed at finding and releasing these emotions in order to give you the gift of yourself: Joy and Happiness, Peace and Love. If this is your situation, I am extending a loving invitation to you to take this next step towards freedom. Give me a call, and we will look together at what your needs are.