Internal Freedom Blog
A new paradigm to freedom and peaceLetting yourself go
Drifting below the surface... I am sitting in a coffee shop, looking down over the ocean. It is very agitated these days due to a strong North wind - we call it ‘Norte’ here in Cozumel. I feel calm and peaceful, watching ‘out at the world’ while I am sitting ‘at...
Suffering comes from misunderstanding
Regret is a painful issue, weighing on many human beings. Often people don’t know anything else to do but to blame themselves. Regret is based on the misunderstanding, which is the belief that: 1. we know what’s best for us in life; 2. We have the capacity to act differently in each moment, if we truly wanted to; 3. That we control our life, and therefore can mess it up if we don’t pay better attention.
Are you tired of trying to improve yourself and our life, again and again and always something else ‘falls apart?’. We can put an end to ‘self-improvement’ by discovering for ourselves Who I Am; our true nature. It is beyond the thinking mind, untouched, unbound, un-thought, being everywhere, always, now. I can point you towards That which you Are, so you can discover you Are Free already now, as we speak. I see it as the step beyond therapy.
Marlise Witschi, M.Psych.
Are you a prisoner?
I help you free yourself from beliefs from the past which are still running your life, and help you become aware of your True Nature, which is Stillness, Love and Peace.
What do you think you are?
The chicken and the Eagle. Once upon a time, there was a little baby chick hanging out in the yard. One day, she looked up into the sky and saw a huge Eagle soaring, high up in the air. The chick asked her mother:” Mama, when can I fly in the sky like this one up...
If we struggle with fulfilling a goal, it may be helpful to inquire our deeper motivations regarding this goal. We may find that underlying unconscious motives are preventing us from reaching the goal. Marlise Witschi can help you find and fulfill these unconscious motives, so you are free to pursue your goal for what it is.